Public Speaking

Public Speaking
See also the Page Lectures, the section titled Lectures to the Public.
In addition to his lectures, Leo has been guest speaker to various groups, again on both sides of the Atlantic. He has been, for example, guest speaker at women’s lunch clubs in the United States, speaking on more general topics like “Britain and the U.S.A. – what difference?” Or, more specifically “The difference between television in Britain and the U.S.A.” The lectures  mentioned on the Lectures page under the heading of Lectures to the Public can both be given as after-dinner speeches (and certainly to lunch clubs). “Why I’m not a Policeman” can be billed as a humourous autobiographical talk about Leo’s travels and adventures, perhaps including some poems, for audiences who might be chary of a poetry show. “Choose your Tomorrow” poses political challenges which will be of interest to any audience concerned about directions in politics and society.
As someone used to addressing audiences, Leo is well qualified to train people in public speaking. As mentioned above on the Creative Writing page, he films those who come to him for guidance, so that they can see clearly where they need to improve their performance.

